30 Days of Journal Prompts

A little over four years ago I started leading a group of college girls through my local church. Even though I was only a few years ahead of them, leading this group brought me so much joy and I looked forward to every Wednesday night where we would gather at my house and talk about our lives, share our sorrows and look to see how Jesus was leading us. As I got to know these girls, I saw a real desire in them to slow down and connect with God during their day. I decided I would send them weekly journal prompts where they could read scripture, write down their thoughts, and pray. With the help of one of my girls (shout out Lexi) I wanted to make those very prompts available to you!

If you know me, you know I am very passionate about journals, journaling and getting all the things inside my head out. It's not only a way to connect with God, but it is also a habit that cultivates self-awareness and stillness.

So if you want to join in on this practice, here are 30 prompts to get you started! And while you are at it, you may as well go get yourself a new journal. (P.S. Appointed Journals are my favorite)

My prayer is that through these 30 days, you will find time to slow dow, breathe and spend time with your Heavenly Father.

Day 1:

As you start this new month, what is God calling you to focus on? How can be intentional this month to connect with God and grow?

Day 2:

Read Proverbs 19:21

What plans do you need to surrender to God?

 Day 3:

Read Psalm 139

Write down three takeaways and how they affect the way you see yourself and God?

 Day 4:

Read 2 Peter 1:5-7

Rate these characteristics from personal best to worst. How can you continue to grow in these areas?

Day 5:

Read Psalm 23:1

In what areas do you feel like you are lacking? Are there areas of your life where you are feeling jealous of someone else? Do you believe that in God, you lack nothing? Journal and ask God to help you see how he meets your needs and fills in the gaps of your lif.

Day 6: Read Philippians 4:6-7

Follow the instructions of this passage: 1. What are you anxious about? 2. What are you thankful for? 3. What is your request to God? 4. Ask God for his peace that doesn’t make sense to guard your heart and your mind.

 Day 7:

Read Galatians 4:6-7

In what areas of your life do you still relate to God like a slave rather than an heir? Are you confident in approaching God? Do you ask God for what you need? Are you excited to spend time with God? How can you remind yourself that you are no longer a slave, but a child?

Day 8:

Read Psalm 143:5

Look back and reflect on all the times God has come through for you? What prayers has he answered? How does remembering what he has done for you give you confidence for what is to come?

Day 9:

Tomorrow marks the beginning of Holy Week. Before you step into the week leading up to Easter, ask God to reveal to you something new about Jesus and the later portion of his ministry.

Day 10:

Read Matthew 21:7-9

The people proclaimed “Hosanna” as Jesus entered into Jerusalem. Hosanna means, “SAVE.” What areas of your life do you need God’s saving power or help?

Day 11:

Read Matthew 21:12-13

In this passage, Jesus shows he is angry by flipping tables. Where in your life are you feeling anger? Where does this anger come from? How can you process your anger in a healthy way?

Day 12:

Read Matthew 12:28-31

How do you interpret this parable? What does Jesus teach us about our actions?

Day 13:

Read Matthew 26:6-9

This woman pours out expensive perfume on Jesus even though it cost her greatly. Where in your life are you holding back from God because of the cost?

 Day 14:

Read Matthew 26:36-38

Jesus was deeply troubled and went to God with his intense feelings. What do you need to bring to God today? What feelings/situations do you feel like God may not have time for or care about? God wants to hear from you about what you are carrying.

Day 15:

Read Matthew 27

What emotions does the death of Jesus evoke? What questions do you have about this chapter? What do you think his followers were feeling at the end of this day?

Day 16:

This part of Holy Week was the day everyone thought Jesus was dead. In what areas of your life have you experienced major disappointments and hopelessness?

Day 17:

Read Matthew 28

What does this passage of scripture mean for your life? How can you celebrate the resurrection of Jesus today?

Day 18:

Reflect on Holy Week. What did you learn? What did you experience? What do you want to takeaway from this past week?

Day 19:

Read Psalm 46:10

Set a timer for 3 minutes and sit in silence. Be still and remember who God is and journal what comes to your mind after this moment of stillness.

Day 20:

Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Which attribute is most difficult for you? What can you practically do to grow in this area? 

Day 21:

Read Ephesians 3:16-19

This is a prayer that Paul is praying for the Ephesians. Who in your life needs prayer? Journal a prayer for them or insert their name in Ephesians 3:16-19.

 Day 22:

Read Psalm 55:22

What burdens are you carrying that you need to cast onto God?

Day 23:

Read John 13:14

Is there anything that you do that solely benefits others? If not, ask God to show you opportunities where you can selflessly serve? Where are those opportunities? Who is a person you feel called to serve?

Day 24:

Read 2 Peter 1:3

According to Peter, you have all you need to live the life that God has called you to live. In what areas do you find yourself feeling inferior? Like you aren’t enough? Like you do not have what it takes? How can you remind yourself of the truth of 2 Peter 1:3?  

Day 25:

Read Isaiah 30:15

What does it mean that in quietness and trust is your strength? In what area of your life do you need more strength and how can quietness and trust be tools to get you there?

Day 26:

Read Romans 8:38-39

What are you tempted to believe can separate you from the love of God? How does this truth from Romans bring you peace?

Day 27:

Read 1 John 3:1

It is our job to see the great love God has for us. Where do you see God’s love for you in your own life? What has he done/given you that communicate his love for you?

Day 28:

Read 2 Corinthians 10:5

What does it mean to take every though captive? What are some thoughts that you have been having that are not helpful or truthful that you need to take captive. Write out the toxic thoughts and compare them to God’s word. Mark out the ones that do not hold up.

Day 29:

Read Ephesians 4:31-32

Look up all those words and define them. In what areas of your life do you see these characteristics and how can you get rid of them and replace them with kindness and compassion?

 Day 30:

Read back on your past 30 days and thank God for all the moments you spent intentionally learning and spending time with him. What is your biggest takeaway from these past 30 days?





Allie’s Rules For High School